Practical support for identifying and meeting need
Cognition and learning
Practical ideas for supporting mathematics
Here are some key principles to bear in mind when supporting mathematical learning:
(Taken from Big ideas in mastery ©NCETM)
- Small steps are easier to take.
- Focus on one key point each lesson allows for deep and sustainable learning.
- Certain images, techniques and concepts are important pre-cursors to later ideas. Getting the sequencing of these right is an important skill in planning and teaching for mastery.
- When something has been deeply understood and mastered, it can and should be used in the next steps of learning.
Representation and structure
- The representation needs to pull out the concept being taught, and in particular the key difficulty point. It exposes the structure.
- In the end, they need to be able to do the maths without the representation.
- A stem sentence describes the representation and helps them move to working in the abstract (“ten tenths is equivalent to one whole”) and could be seen as a representation in itself.
- There will be some key representations which they will meet time and again.
- Pattern and structure are related but different: They may have seen a pattern without understanding the structure which causes that pattern.
- The central idea of teaching with variation is to highlight the essential features of a concept or idea through varying the non-essential features.
- When giving examples of a mathematical concept, it is useful to add variation to emphasise: What it is (as varied as possible) and what it is not.
- When constructing a set of activities/questions it is important to consider what connects the examples; what mathematical structures are being highlighted?
- Variation is not the same as variety – careful attention needs to be paid to what aspects are being varied (and what is not being varied) and for what purpose.
- Fluency demands more of learners than memorisation of a single procedure or collection of facts. It encompasses a mixture of efficiency, accuracy and flexibility.
- Quick and efficient recall of facts and procedures is important for learners’ to keep track of sub problems, think strategically and solve problems.
- Fluency demands the flexibility to move between different contexts and representations of mathematics, to recognise relationships and make connections and to make appropriate choices from a whole toolkit of methods, strategies and approaches.
Mathematical thinking
- Mathematical thinking is central to deep and sustainable learning of mathematics.
- Taught ideas that are understood deeply are not just ‘received’ passively but worked on by the learner. They need to be thought about, reasoned with and discussed.
- Mathematical thinking involves: Looking for pattern in order to discern structure, looking for relationships and connecting ideas as well as reasoning logically, explaining, conjecturing and proving.
Specialist – additional support for children and young people with an ongoing and significant identified need
Learning environment
- Attention is given to celebrate strengths in other areas.
- There is direct intervention to target identified needs.
- Opportunities to make choices are woven into the activities, e.g. selecting numbers and devising calculations.
- Regular checks to ensure understanding.
- Kinaesthetic and visual supports in place, e.g. bead strings to teach place value and calculations.
- Pre-prepared formats provided for calculations, graphs and tables.
- Recording using numeral cards or circling numerals on number lines rather than writing them.
Access to the curriculum
- Evidenced based 1:1 structured intervention in place to target gaps and reinforce concepts (e.g. Every Child Counts) with frequent opportunities for overlearning.
- Timetabled sessions to revise and consolidate what has been learned that includes game based activities with concrete apparatus.
- Precision Teaching> is used.
- Mathematics Plan set by a specialist teacher.
- Highly skilled/trained staff that are familiar with the needs of pupils with mathematical needs.